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a bit about me:

I am a University of Wisconsin Oshkosh December 2020 graduate.  I have a degree in International Studies with an emphasis in Asian Studies and a minor in Japanese.  I also earned my Global Scholar Certificate. I ultimately decided to attend UW-Oshkosh because I grew up in Oshkosh and didn't feel like I was ready to move away from my family after graduating high school.  I'm so glad I decided to stay in Oshkosh because during my first year, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and thankfully I made a few friends that were in the International Studies program.  They told me about how much they adored the program and once meeting with the IS adviser, I was sold on the program.  I liked the idea of having emphases because then I could study whatever I wanted and take a wide variety of classes I wouldn't have been able to take in another major.

I settled on an emphasis in Asian Studies because for as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated with Asian cultures.  Unfortunately my area of interest is Eastern Asia and UWO doesn't offer many courses in that area of study anymore because that Professor retired.  However, I was able to gain credit with my Japanese Language and Culture courses.  My love for Japanese started when I was little and began watching anime.  As I got older I began watching anime in the original Japanese dubs with English subtitles and since then I've wanted to learn the language.  Because of my sparked interest in Japan and the Japanese language, a dream of mine is to teach English to children in Japan.  My other dream career is to work with refugees.  Oshkosh is a city where many refugee families are placed and I was lucky enough to go to a high school where many of the refugee families sent their children.  I've been exposed to so much diversity my entire life and I would love to be one of those people that refugee families can rely on for love and support.  

See my resume to the left! :D

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